07/12/2024 14:52:16 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 10 items added, 10 items removed |
07/12/2024 11:58:02 | PS51020A RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 1 | List published | 8 items added, 1 section added |
05/12/2024 16:30:06 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
05/12/2024 16:28:29 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 4 items added |
05/12/2024 14:51:30 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
05/12/2024 14:25:05 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 2 items added |
05/12/2024 14:21:25 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added |
05/12/2024 14:17:13 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 6 items added |
05/12/2024 14:04:59 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added |
05/12/2024 13:26:24 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 5 items added |
05/12/2024 12:26:34 | MC71084A Critical Perspectives on Political Communications | List published | 10 items added |
05/12/2024 11:56:35 | LA53014A/LA71011C GENDER, SEXUALITIES AND THE LAW | List published | 1 section added |
05/12/2024 11:23:39 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added |
05/12/2024 11:18:19 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 4 items added, 1 item removed |
05/12/2024 11:11:03 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added |
05/12/2024 11:07:39 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added |
05/12/2024 10:17:09 | ED52045B Reflective Classroom Teaching: Research, Policy and Practice (2025 Spring) | List published | 15 items added |
04/12/2024 16:39:54 | EN52414A READING THE PAST: FROM BEDE TO STERNE (Autumn Term) | List published | 157 items removed, 108 sections removed |
04/12/2024 16:36:22 | Copy of EN52414A READING THE PAST: FROM BEDE TO STERNE (Autumn Term) | List published | 53 items added, 44 sections added |
04/12/2024 16:16:20 | MC51005B Culture and Cultural Studies (Spring Term) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
04/12/2024 15:47:32 | to be archived - Public Policy in Theory and Practice | List published | 1 item removed |
04/12/2024 14:54:38 | PO52002E MODERN POLITICAL THEORY (Spring term) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
04/12/2024 14:35:54 | PS53024B: Topics in Neuropsychology | List published | 2 items removed |
04/12/2024 14:32:37 | PO52002E MODERN POLITICAL THEORY (Spring term) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
04/12/2024 14:29:12 | MC71092C Media and Political Campaigning | List published | 9 items removed |
04/12/2024 14:25:55 | PO52002E MODERN POLITICAL THEORY (Spring term) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
04/12/2024 12:20:53 | AN51020A: Being Related | List published | 6 items added, 8 items removed, 2 sections added, 1 section removed |
04/12/2024 11:04:09 | EN71006B Postmodern Fiction | List published | 11 items added, 20 items removed, 5 sections added, 4 sections removed |
04/12/2024 09:51:31 | Culture and Performance: Theatre as a Learning Medium | List published | 3 items added |
03/12/2024 16:59:47 | VC52084C Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions: Unpacking the Field I | List published | 121 items added, 43 sections added |
03/12/2024 16:56:22 | MC51005B Culture and Cultural Studies (Spring Term) | List published | 3 items added, 19 items removed, 2 sections removed |
03/12/2024 16:25:05 | EN52414A Ten-week stream: Medieval Worlds (Spring Term) | List published | 18 items added, 16 sections added |
03/12/2024 16:17:53 | Creative Critical Project | List published | 47 items added, 28 sections added |
03/12/2024 16:14:23 | EN52414A Ten-week stream: Early Modern Worlds (Spring Term) | List published | 15 items added, 13 sections added |
03/12/2024 16:07:33 | EN52414A READING THE PAST: FROM BEDE TO STERNE (Autumn Term) | List published | 4 items added, 7 items removed, 7 sections added |
03/12/2024 15:54:40 | Advanced Audio-Visual Processing | List published | 7 items added, 2 sections added |
03/12/2024 13:51:37 | VC71120B/VC71118B/VC71119B Strand D: POROUS SPATIALITIES: EMERGENT CONFIGURATIONS AND PRACTICES | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
03/12/2024 13:39:41 | EUROPEAN DECADENCE AND THE VISUAL ARTS | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
03/12/2024 13:21:06 | EUROPEAN DECADENCE AND THE VISUAL ARTS (2024-25) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
03/12/2024 12:13:49 | VC71120B/VC71118B/VC71119B Strand C: Space, Time, Subjectivation. | List published | 21 items added, 5 sections added |
03/12/2024 11:41:49 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 4 items added |
03/12/2024 11:25:48 | MU52072A Sound as Art | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
03/12/2024 11:20:09 | EUROPEAN DECADENCE AND THE VISUAL ARTS (2024-25) | List published | 24 items added, 29 sections added |
03/12/2024 09:19:46 | LA51003A: Criminal Law: Theory and Practice | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
02/12/2024 14:31:25 | EN52251B Homer and Contemporary Literature | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
02/12/2024 14:30:57 | EN52251B Homer and Contemporary Literature | List published | 1 item added |
02/12/2024 13:43:06 | EN52251B Homer and Contemporary Literature | List published | 1 item added |
02/12/2024 11:11:51 | DR71082C/B/A Performance Portfolio 2: Site | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
02/12/2024 10:23:07 | SO52109B KNOWLEDGE AND SUBJECTIVITY | List published | 8 items added |
02/12/2024 09:43:32 | DR53153B: Culture and Performance B: Ecological Theatre | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
02/12/2024 09:41:32 | Culture and Performance: Theatre as a Learning Medium | List published | 1 section added |
01/12/2024 13:22:24 | VC52122A SITUATED KNOWLEDGES IN VISUAL CULTURES | List published | 1 item added |
01/12/2024 11:57:48 | VC52122A SITUATED KNOWLEDGES IN VISUAL CULTURES | List published | 2 items added |
01/12/2024 11:38:14 | SO52109B KNOWLEDGE AND SUBJECTIVITY | List published | 2 items added |
01/12/2024 11:31:30 | SO52109B KNOWLEDGE AND SUBJECTIVITY | List published | 1 item added |
01/12/2024 09:20:47 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added |
30/11/2024 08:16:30 | VC52084C Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions: Unpacking the Field I | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
28/11/2024 20:57:21 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added |
28/11/2024 20:54:25 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
28/11/2024 20:49:25 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 2 items added |
28/11/2024 20:46:13 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
28/11/2024 20:42:52 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item removed |
28/11/2024 20:42:11 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 4 items added |
28/11/2024 19:34:05 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added |
28/11/2024 17:23:32 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 3 items added |
28/11/2024 15:50:05 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
28/11/2024 15:49:28 | PO52002E: MODERN POLITICAL THEORY Spring term 2024-25 | List published | 47 items added, 30 sections added |
28/11/2024 15:49:02 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added |
28/11/2024 10:04:59 | Copy of MU71080A: Research through Musical Performance | List published | 12 items added, 1 section added |
28/11/2024 09:55:57 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 2 items removed |
28/11/2024 09:52:31 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 2 items added |
28/11/2024 09:44:48 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
28/11/2024 09:36:30 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item removed |
28/11/2024 09:35:56 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
28/11/2024 09:34:59 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 2 items added |
27/11/2024 17:01:54 | VC71120B/VC71118B/VC71119B Strand C: Space, Time, Subjectivation. | List published | 40 items added, 20 sections added |
27/11/2024 16:57:20 | VC71120B/VC71118B/VC71119B MA Core Course -strand D | List published | 16 items added, 15 sections added |
27/11/2024 14:00:18 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
27/11/2024 13:53:14 | MU50007D Introduction to Musicology | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
27/11/2024 12:27:27 | MU53040A Improvisation | List published | 2 items added |
27/11/2024 11:37:07 | MU71080A: Research through Musical Performance | List published | 1 item added |
27/11/2024 11:18:01 | VC52122A SITUATED KNOWLEDGES IN VISUAL CULTURES | List published | 1 item added |
27/11/2024 11:14:37 | VC52122A SITUATED KNOWLEDGES IN VISUAL CULTURES | List published | 4 items added |
27/11/2024 11:09:00 | A Journey into Teaching | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
27/11/2024 11:04:23 | MU50009C/B: FOUNDATION FOR COMPOSITION | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
27/11/2024 11:01:57 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
27/11/2024 10:56:36 | ED71159B THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY | List published | 20 items removed, 20 sections added |
27/11/2024 10:44:16 | IC71138B Theories of Capital | List published | 2 items added, 2 items removed |
27/11/2024 10:43:59 | PO52057A Public Policy in Theory and Practice | List published | 71 items added, 26 sections added |
27/11/2024 10:36:51 | VC52084C Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions: Unpacking the Field I | List published | 1 item added, 2 items removed |
27/11/2024 10:32:47 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 2 items added |
27/11/2024 10:20:23 | PS51020A RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 1 | List published | 1 item added |
26/11/2024 17:23:25 | HT51030A Reading and Writing History | List published | 69 items added, 8 sections added |
26/11/2024 17:10:20 | PS51020A RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS 1 | List published | 5 items added, 1 section added |
26/11/2024 17:01:14 | AN52021B Critical Ecologies: Black, Indigenous, Queer and Transnational Feminist Approaches | List published | 1 item added, 25 items removed, 8 sections removed |
26/11/2024 15:20:14 | A Journey into Teaching | List published | 30 items added, 20 sections added |
26/11/2024 11:49:09 | MU50009C/B: FOUNDATION FOR COMPOSITION | List published | 5 items added |
25/11/2024 12:35:49 | PS51017A LIFE AND SOCIETY 1 | List published | 1 item added |
25/11/2024 12:01:48 | LA53002B: AI, Disruptive Technology and the Law (LLB3) | List published | 4 items added, 2 sections added |
25/11/2024 11:23:40 | SO52003A Philosophy & Methodology of Social Science | List published | 1 item added |